Discover our variety of simple procedures to improve naturally occurring loss of vision.
As we age, we begin to experience difficulty reading things at a close distance. This is a common condition called presbyopia, caused by the lens becoming more rigid.
Fortunately, an eye specialist can fix this issue with a variety of simple procedures.
Today, modern LASIK is able to address presbyopia with a technique called monovision or blended vision.
During this procedure, the specialist programs the laser to focus the patient’s dominant eye to see clearly for distance tasks like driving and watching television. All this while targeting the other eye to remain slightly nearsighted aiding activities such as working on a computer or reading.
Although each eye is focused for a slightly different range, the brain is still able to integrate these images and restore visual clarity at all ranges free of spectacles or contact lenses.
After years of considering LASIK, some patients come to the office for a reading vision evaluation, only to learn that LASIK is no longer their ideal solution for achieving spectacle independence.
This is especially true after the age of 40 or 50 when the natural lens loses its flexibility and capacity for fine focus. This is also when most patients experience the frustration of needing glasses for reading or working, and start getting an interest in low vision services.
Fortunately, Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) can restore both your distance and near-reading vision, freeing you from glasses or contact lenses. This innovative procedure both focuses the eye and addresses the deficits in the natural lens by removing and exchanging it with a tiny implant that will give your vision new clarity.
Once the lens is implanted, the eye will remain relatively stable over the years, ensuring your vision won’t degrade over time.
During your consultation, Dr. Besser will get a sense of your visual goals expectations and thoroughly discuss the different options with you. Dr. Besser believes patients should be mindful of all aspects of their care and will include your points of view and goals to determine the right procedure and lens for you.
If you suffer from cataracts, are considering surgery, and want to see up close without reading glasses, know that cataract procedures can now address both cataracts and presbyopia with one procedure.
Advanced-technology intraocular lens (IOL) implants called trifocal lenses can correct presbyopia, along with other refractive conditions like myopia and hyperopia.
Toric versions of these trifocal lenses can correct for astigmatism as well.
Like LASIK, cataract surgery can address presbyopia through a technique called monovision. For this reading vision loss procedure, the surgeon corrects the refractive errors of one eye, leaving the other eye slightly nearsighted.
The corrected eye will see distances clearly, and the nearsighted eye will be able to read up-close. Although each eye is focused for a slightly different range, the brain can easily integrate these images and restore visual clarity at all ranges, free of spectacles or contact lenses.
If you’re ready to take the next step in eye care, call Dr. Besser’s office or book an eye examination online.